Monday, August 5, 2013
Evening Prayer Service
The ordinances are an opportunity to share the gospel. We reserve that an ordinance is a showing of the gospel.
Evangelical once meant gospel, now it is port railed in a different way.
Once a week is not often enough to focus on the gospel. We need to preach the gospel to ourselves EVERYDAY because I will forget it everyday.
Present the gospel to myself everyday possibly through these three steps
"A gospel primer for Christians" - book
Reasons to rehearse the gospel daily…
I. The gospel prevents and or corrects my thinking that trails are my enemy.
• What is my response to trails? - is my thinking gospel?
• Jesus learned obedience through suffering…. This is the gospel….Christ humbled himself to die on a cross, to come and serve.
• The cross was not an enemy, the cross brought joy to Christ.
• Romans 5 , 8
II. The gospel prevents/corrects my thinking that sin is my friend
• There is felting pleasure in sin
• The gospel turns the light on
• Anything can become a routine - specific scripture, the Lords table, etc
Do I REALLY pray? How do I REALLY pray?Do I think until my soul sings?
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Great in Gods Eyes
August 4th, 2013
Matthew 11:1-15
Luke 1 - John the Baptist was to be great in the eyes of The Lord
What God saw in John…
I. God sees your submission to the anointed king
Matthew 11:1
• John sends them not because he doubts Christ but because he was in prison he could not go.
• Why is Jesus referred to the anointed one?
• The following were anointed in the Old Testament…
○ Prophets
○ Priests
○ Kings
• Jesus sends them back to to John having quoted scripture to strengthen John,s faith.
• John may have some confusion in his heart - the Christ comes to set prisoners free but John is in prison.
• Sometimes we get focused on Christ's coming as a selfish view- Christ came for me
• Although he doubts he still believes and trusts Christ
• John's submission in suffering should be honored - even in fear and confusion and pain RUN TO JESUS even when you don't understand - rest on His unchanging faith.
• Do I come to God honestly? In submission do I ask and talk with God? Or do I run from God and stop praying? WHAT IS MY RESPONSE?
• Keep keep keep with God
• Hebrews exhort each other daily
• We are a church of messed up broken people - however that does not disqualify for God work praise God that he still uses us and loves us and protects us, etc
II. God sees your service to the anointed King
• Kingdom service v.7
• Jesus is quoting Malachi
3 Things to Observe from the previous text
○ Johns ministry was a culmination of the entire Old Testament
○ The violent are still opposed to the kingdom of God, this does not does not nullify John's ministry in the least - there has been and always will opposition to the Kingdom and violence towards it.
○ Johns ministry is surpassed by Kingdom ministry today v.11
• On the other side of the cross, the resurrection, the ascent ion, the right hand of the throne - this makes a difference our ministry is greater because of the things
• ARE YOU BUSY in kingdom service, ministry, are you exalting Him, am I helping others to see Him, am I a disciple making disciple? Am I greater than John?
• Hebrews 4:14-16 He is our High Priest!
• When God convicts us it is to glorify the Son and the abundant grace He has for us - new every morning
• He is for us not against us - if we don't get this we will never run to Him in the midst of confusion but we will away from Him
• Don't say with John are you the Christ or is there another - BUT Run to him for HE IS the Christ
• John thought the messiah was coming to being judgement and left free all prisoners - God still used his ministry even though some of His theology was incorrect
○ God does the same for us - theologies may vary but it doesn't mean they aren't saved - we all think we are right about everything until we find our wrongness we will continue in this manner - it doesn't mean that we aren't saved.
• Jesus defends and vindicates Johns ministry because John's ministry vindicates Jesus
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Romans Twelve
Written to a Local Church
Many times read as if text to an individual. However ch. 12 was written to the church.
Ministering with each other.
- All in a context of a team
- One on one even needs to be considered group
- Minister in the context of the local church
- Team work requires humility
- Team work requires diversity v 4
Ministry to Each Other
"Let love be genuine"
Who is my ministry? - Not what is my ministry
A Humble Response to God and His Grace
James 4:1-10
The Characteristics of Godliness
I. A choice for Him v. 7
Do you want God resisting you or do you want to resist the Devil?
We enter spiritual warfare with the fam at our side
god has placed specific spiritual authority
- don't fight their authority
The Devil is god's Devil, God is all knowing the devil is not
If god is resisting me there is no hope, if the devil is resisting there is hope
Romans 6
II. A Closeness to Him v. 8a
v. 5 Yearns Jealously
Revelation 3 - The church sounds much like America
This is us
III. A cleansing by Him v. 8b
this is a command not a promise
This is what we do
Clean our hands (external) and hearts (internal)
I John 1:7
I John 3:3
We are responsible to clean up our lives
IV. A contribution towards Him v. 9
We are commanded to mourn and weep our sins
Psalm 73:28
Romans 7 and 8
V. A confidence in Him v 10
VI. A concentration on Him v. 5-6
The main focus
DO YOU KNOW GOD? - This is the issue
Proverbs 1:20-33
Calvary Baptist Church
Wednesday, May 16
Proverbs 1:20-33
I. Wisdom's Setting/Location
a. In the street
b. In the markets
c. Head of the noisy streets
Colossians 2:1-3
I Corinthians 1:29
A. Wisdom's Indictment
Simple are naive people who believe anything
Scoffers are prideful people who believe they know everything
Foolish people have in their dullness and stubbornness become ignorant of the main thing
The Main thing - FEAR OF GOD
II. Wisdom Siren - v. 24-33
III. Wisdom's Security - v 32-33
VBS Weekly Prayer Guide
VBS Weekly Prayer Guide
II Timothy 3:14-4:7
The Lord's Day:
Pray for confidence in the scripture's power to save!
II Timothy 3:14-15
Pray for confidence in the spirit's use of scripture.
II Timothy 3:16
Pray for confidence in the scriptures sufficiency for service.
II Timothy 3:17
Pray for preparation for Bible lessons.
II Timothy 4:1-2a
Pray for proclamation of the Bible lessons.
II Timothy 4:2b
Pray for patience in the Bible lessons.
II Timothy 4:2c-7
Review and pray as the Lord leads.
The Consequences of Godliness
James 4:1-10
I. Tracing Back to Godlessness
A. Wars - Interpersonal
- Where do they come from
- Your passions are at war within you
- Are we hiding the war from others
- A war among is from a war within you
- A war is usually caused by a want
- Why do I have this want?
- Godlessness
- Worldliness - based on the world
- II Samuel II - not once is God in the picture
- Sin will make promises it can't keep
- There is pleasure in sin for a season; it will always let us down
- Functional Atheist - A christian who never considers God or asking
- Bring God into my heart and mind, fight the war
- God is a jealous God
- God has a right to expect exclusiveness
Monday, May 27, 2013
The Call of Jesus
Matthew 9:9-17
I. The Call to Sinners
II. The Call to Repentance - To Jesus Himself
III. The Call to Service
Do we understand the call to discipleship.
This is a true response of one who understands the call to discipleship.
Over the span of the text we have been studying one needed to slow down. One needed to speed up. Matthew was just right.
Go and learn what this means was a bit of a hit at them - Hosea 6:6
How many people are tied up in spiritual rituals, not the real deal.
God desires covenant faithfulness.
The pharisee's don't understand why Jesus is with the sinners.
We love because he first loved us.
We never would have chosen Him had he not chosen us.
We can only love someone because God first loved me.
We need to understand and that we are no more worthy of God's grace today. The call to dicipleship is a call to sinners.
v. 14ff They view God as a demanding God
Jesus is present - feast don't fast!
Whatever your preconceptions, Jesus won't fit in just because you thought so. You must change and make your life fit into whatever Jesus' plan is.
If you don't know Jesus - Fast, Pray, Seek
Jesus hangs out with goes out with sinners.
How do I look at sinners? Saved or unsaved...
What Sort of Man is This?
Matthew 8:23-9:8
I. The Revelation of His authority
a. Authority over Storm
b. Authority over Satan
c. Authority over Sin
Matthew wrote what he wrote for a purpose... He didn't leave anything out.
The point of this text is Jesus, not the people!
Jesus is always relevant.
Creation obey's Jesus' Authority.
Even the Devil is God's Devil
The Demons had to beg Jesus to allow them into the pigs.
The religious leaders assume Jesus is blaspheming.
Sin is an assault on God's glory.
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Lord's Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 6:9-13
Gain Perspective:
our special relationship to God (our father)
the sovereign ruler ship of God (who is in heaven)
Our sincere reverence of God (hallowed be your name) it gets your attention,
our minds shouldn’t wander
seeking the return of God (Your kingdom come)
Submission to the rule of God (you will be done on earth as it is in heaven)
Give our Petitions:
Provisions (6:11)
us this day our daily bread)
Pardon (6:12)
forgive us our debts, as we, we also have forgiven our debtors)
Protection (6:13a)
do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil)
through Praise
Chronicles 29:11
yours is the kingdom and the power and glory forever amen!
The Importance of Christian Character
The Importance of Christian Character
Galatians, II Peter 1, I Corinthians 13,
Colossians 3, Ephesians 4
Matthew 5:1-16
Introduction to
Jesus’s sermon on the mount.
Matthew 4:23,24
healing diseases
God met with Moses
on a mountain to give him the law
He repeats the
word blessed
Be a person of
Blessed are those
who know their need of God
Isaiah 6 humbling
Peter when he
realized he needed the grace of God in His life.
Through Christ we
are made rich, but we must realize that we are in poverty and in need of Christ
before they receive Him
ant to be blessed?
Be poor
Be humble
Blessed are those
who mourn, He will comfort them.
II Corinthians 7
are the meek
Meekness – Greek – a horse that is
not wild but can now be ridden
Those who are under authority
Under authority – David, Moses,
Jesus was meek, He was under the authority
Matthew 5:20
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