Monday, February 18, 2013

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 6:9-13

Gain Perspective:

Adoption: our special relationship to God (our father)
Assurance: the sovereign ruler ship of God (who is in heaven)
Awe: Our sincere reverence of God (hallowed be your name) it gets your attention, our minds shouldn’t wander
Anticipation: seeking the return of God (Your kingdom come)
Acquiescence: Submission to the rule of God (you will be done on earth as it is in heaven)

Give our Petitions:
Concerning Provisions (6:11)
(Give us this day our daily bread)
Matthew 7:7-11

Concerning Pardon (6:12)
(and forgive us our debts, as we, we also have forgiven our debtors)
Proverbs 16:2
Matthew 18:23

Concerning Protection (6:13a)
(and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil)

Glorified through Praise
I Chronicles 29:11

Kingdom 6:10a
Power 6:11-13a
Glory 6:9
For yours is the kingdom and the power and glory forever amen!

The Importance of Christian Character

The Importance of Christian Character
Galatians, II Peter 1, I Corinthians 13, Colossians 3, Ephesians 4

Matthew 5:1-16
Introduction to Jesus’s sermon on the mount.
Matthew 4:23,24 healing diseases
God met with Moses on a mountain to give him the law

3 Applications…
He repeats the word blessed
Be a person of influence

BE Attitudes
Blessed are those who know their need of God
Isaiah 6 humbling himself
Peter when he realized he needed the grace of God in His life.
Through Christ we are made rich, but we must realize that we are in poverty and in need of Christ before they receive Him

You ant to be blessed?
Be poor
Be humble

Blessed are those who mourn, He will comfort them.

II Corinthians 7

Blessed are the meek
            Meekness – Greek – a horse that is not wild but can now be ridden
            Those who are under authority
            Under authority – David, Moses, Joseph
            Jesus was meek, He was under the authority

Matthew 5:20

Encouraging Others: Leading the Way

Encouraging Others: Leading the Way

Acts 27:9-12
a.     Paul said don’t go
b.     They paid no attention to Paul’s warning

Acts 27:13-26
c.     The ship was falling apart, they had to throw their cargo overboard, they gave up hope of being saved.
d.     Paul says keep up your courage

Acts 27:27-42
e.     They started listening to Paul and Paul backs it with God’s word
f.      Paul prayed and ate
g.     They made it to land safely

Acts 16:25-34
h.     It lead to the who family of the guard being saved
i.      Tell them about the word God is good all the time. All things are possible through Christ
j.      Listen
k.     Testimony