Jewish Customs and Culture
We are in the feast of tabernacles.
Leviticus 23 – The
Jewish would say the first year is 5770. According to the
Jewish tradition creation of the earth was 5770.
Christer – someone who goes to church on Easter and Christmas
only; some people don’t believe in Christ but they like the tradition.
Jewish tradition will read Genesis 22 about Abraham willing to
sacrifice his one and only son by his wife Rebaheka.
Jews will build a tabernacle and live in it for a while in rememberence.
The Jews are very careful with the Word of God. They don’t put
anything on top of it, or drop it down, or lay it on the floor. They would have
to fast for 40 days if the did any of this.
The yamaka was given to remind you that there is someone above
you – God is to be reverenced. God is higher than us.
Prayer Shawl – to help remind them of 600 laws they must abide
Life Cycle
Jewish people were scattered in 70 A.D. the temple was torn
Birth – Bar/Bat mitzvah – Confirmation – marriage – Death
Differences between Christians and Jews within cultures can
– who is a Jew?
Hebrew comes from
the word Ivri Genesis
Came from Eber one Abrahams ancestors Genesis 11:16
Eyver to cross over (from the Euphrates) Abraham crossed over
from the other side of the nations to follow God.
We should know what the Jewish holiday’s are even if we don’t
50% of Jewish people are marrying Gentiles.
People were face to face with God but when we sinned we had to
turn our face away from God.
Jewish culture forbids a Jewish person to marry a Gentile.
Brit-Milah Genesis 7:10
There is a huge
difference between Jewish and other circumcision
Always performed on the 8th Day
Includes Sabbath and Yom Kippur
Very observant
Jewish people usually sleep in separate beds, because when women are on their
period are considered unclean and you are not to be touched if you are unclean.
Women and men stand in different places in the Synagogue due to there is a
chance that she could be unclean.
Male children
receive names at birth, female children receive their names in the Synagogue on
the Sabbath following her birth. Every child outside of Israel has two names.
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